Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Chillier nights and cool dawns, bring a welcome season of cozy evenings reading under piles of blankets.  The book “Kisses from Katie” captivates us, legs draped over the couch, arms intermingle and I continue to read of Katie’s adventures in Uganda. The first night we read, Lillian made a declaration; “Mom, I CANNOT wait to go to Africa. How about you?!?!?”  For now, it is enough for us to share in the perils and delights of Katie’s first experiences in Uganda. Tonight, the rain fell outside. A simple soundtrack setting the scene: and we read…

"Everywhere I have looked, raw filthy, human need and brokenness have been on display begging for someone to meet them, fix them. Even though I have realized I cannot always mend or meet, I can enter in. I can enter into someone’s pain and sit with them and know. This is Jesus. Not that He apologizes for the hard and the hurt, but that he enters in, He comes with us to the hard places. And so I continue to enter…”  (Katie Davis, Kisses from Katie page 23)

And off to bed I send them. To dream of faces and smiles that are enchanting us from thousands of miles away. This simple woman of God whose heart and hands are sharing love and spreading joy: she's contagious and I pray we get infected. 

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