Monday, October 8, 2012

Not a trip to Disney

Got to love Columbus day. Its a wonderful holiday - an excuse to sit back and savor this season.   Lillian woke us up, book and blankie in hand wanting to snuggle and read, starting the day out nice and easy…Lincoln had already been up for almost an hour, eaten breakfast, and was ready.. ”what are we doing today?” (His favorite question!) We are ALL staying at home, today!!! Lillian asked, “can we have a Pajama day? And I can stay in my footie PJs all day?” When I replied yes, you would have thought that I had just announced that today we were going to Disney world. But no, Just Pajama day.... Jumping, dancing and shouting.. ” Pajama day! Pajama day! Pajama day!!”  
            They were off and running…and planning our day. Games (yes GAMES) of Life, writing books, building Dinosaur lands visited by alien Lego Ships. Nick playing his newest sonatas on the piano. Watching Voyage of the Dawn Treader (I  forget what a tear-jerker that one is!). Making Fall decorations, cleaning out cobwebs and sweeping up leaves.  Jumping in piles of leaves is a long anticipated ritual – covered from head to toe – emanating the fresh smell of fall…they played in the cool evening air till the last rays of sunlight faded west.  We ended our “PJ day,” all still in our PJs, by baking a fresh round of leaf cookies, sharing with our neighbors and friends. 
Thanks Christopher Columbus, without you, Pajama day would not have been possible. 

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